The World Needs More Female Founders, Now.

Ashley Deland

Stats now show that FOUR out of every TEN businesses in the startup world – are mom owned.

There’s no question that we’re great at multitasking, time-management and working within tight deadlines. 

Freedom, breaking the glass ceiling, uncapped revenue – there’s so many benefits to taking the risk and pursuing your skill-set towards success, and now all the additional abilities we’ve been mastering as a mother, are helping us profit and propel forward. 

Here’s some more..

We’re emotionally intelligent which helps us connect to our clients and team members on multiple different levels, and cultivate an air of trust and acknowledgement. Not to mention gain an edge on leadership.

We’re more likely to build powerful teams around us that work together towards our vision and foster that sense of collaboration.

Research has shown (and proven) that women CEOs & Founders generate higher revenue levels for many reasons, one of the main ones is that they’re starting their businesses out of necessity opposed to luxury.

All in all, the world needs more female founders.

If you’re a mompreneur reading this – I celebrate you and look forward to seeing you and supporting you.

Love, Ashley

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