Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started A Successful Business

Business Development, Mindset, Strategies
Ashley Deland

I trust that you’re ready to bring your business model into something invaluable.

To start that ripple effect of success and scale your business growth to new heights.

To finally create the impact, life and business that you set out to achieve.

And I’m here for all of it, supporting you however I can.

That’s why I took the time to create a space that shed some light on a few things that I wish someone had told me 13+ years ago, when I was fresh out of my corporate job with years of experience behind me and my gaze set on success ahead of me. 

Those five things that I wish someone told me before I started a successful business are:

1 . Whatever your expectations are around how much work you’ll need to invest in your business, double it then add a dash more.

Owning your own business means working and investing more time than you would at a full-time job. Like a lot more.

The hours are incredibly long, sometimes up to 12–14 hours a day and at the beginning, even more so.

If I’d like to be honest, even now I’d say I’m pretty much always working.

As a founder, you have a lot more at stake and you also most likely have people relying on you.

Simple decisions can’t always happen without you and most importantly, you always have to lead by example and that means dedication, putting in the work and showing up everyday from start to finish.

2. Invest in a great business consultant or mentor.

Sometimes it takes years off the life of your path towards success if you have someone guiding you in the right direction, the first time around.

Some people have the mentality that they only ask for help when there’s no other route to go. Their business is failing, the debt has piled up or they’ve invested thousands with no return.

The best way to be successful is to have someone who is successful, show you the way, from the beginning.

A business mentor or consultant acts as a trusted advisor with the objective to collaborate with you in helping you achieve those short and long-term goals, and make your venture a success.

3. The power of female-led communities is intense.

So take advantage of it.

Support is everything as a founder and entrepreneur.

10 years ago, there was no such thing as female-oriented entrepreneur communities or networks. However, today there is an abundance to choose from, especially on social media, that act as an amazing resource and support system.

I encourage you to put yourself out there and meet as many other female entrepreneurs and founders as possible and find the best supportive community for your needs.

4. Hire strong women.

My team consists of females only.

Is that by choice?


I’m not only trying to set an example in the world of female entrepreneurship, but also to my team of powerful, talented women.

In my industry, where it is much more uncommon to have a female CEO boss, I embrace the opportunity to bring forward a skilled and brilliant female into a role that I’m hiring for.

Simply put, it makes me happy, supported and the connection runs deep.

As a disclaimer here, I have hired men in the past, they have been wonderful and I adored them. I’m not saying don’t hire them, I’m saying, in my business, if this was a “dear diary” kind of post, I would say that to my past self. 

Which leads me to my last point…

5. Not everyone is going to like you.

And that’s okay.

As in life, you must be prepared to not be loved by all walks of people and that now includes your customers, other business owners and sometimes your own team members.

You just can’t win them all.

It’s important that you understand that you took the risk of opening this business because you’re betting on yourself.

When imposter syndrome or doubt starts to inevitably kick-in, know that this business wouldn’t exist without you, you’re here for a reason and that you’re deserving of this role.

There you have it, the top five things I wish someone told me before I started running my own successful business. 

I’d love to hear below, what are some things you wish you knew before you started the journey?

Love, Ashley

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